Sunday, March 28, 2010

The N Word

Hello Class:

In the essay, "The N Word" by Jabari Asim, suggests that "the new mass media, while helping to perpetuate damaging images of African Americans, have often been used to counter the most virulent stereotypes" (226).

What does Asim mean by this?  How does he support this idea?    What areas can you think of where African Americans are portrayed in a negative perspective ? How does Obama, Winfrey,and others counter this image?    What is Asim's viewpoint on this?

Image is taken from:


Anna D. said...

Jabari Asim's suggestion that "the new mass media, while helping to perpetuate damaging images of African Americans, have often been used to counter the most virulent stereotypes" (p.226) means that despite the negative publicity the new media has portrayed of African Americans, there have been positive and astounding accomplishments for African Americans. For example, Asim states that "Willie Horton and O.J. Simpson were exploited to sustain the old negative images..." (p. 226); however, Oprah Winfrey and Jesse Jackson made a profound impact. They prove to counter the nasty stereotype because they are very prominent individuals in society in that Oprah is one of the most successful business women and motivational speakers on television, and Jackson is a significant politician who paved the way for our very own President, Barack Obama.

African Americans are portrayed negatively mostly via Mass Media, but I also recall being around individuals who spoke negatively about African Americans. Obama, Winfrey and others counter those images in that they are inspiring, educated, successful, articulate and driven individuals. Asim's viewpoint on this is that regardless of successes of African Americans, they are continued to be portrayed negatively as that is what new media thrives on.

Ms. Wanzo said...

Hello Anna,

This is a very good response. Do you agree or disagree with Asim? Do you find his evaluation of the role of mass media in the African American culture to be accurate or short-sighted?

Ms. Wanzo

Racquel Kirkeby said...

In the quote, “The new mass media, while helping to perpetuate damaging images of African Americans, have often been used to counter the most virulent stereotypes, ” Asim acknowledged the hypocrisy evidenced within contemporary media sources that on one hand, seem to cultivate negative images of African Americans, and on the other hand, provide extensive media coverage to individuals such as Obama, Winfrey, and others who have achieved personal and professional excellence (226). Also, Asim mentioned the skilled manipulation of mass media by the aforementioned African Americans.

Asim supported his contention that “the new mass media” endures both negative and positive roles within its portrayal of African Americans to society. For example, Asim discussed how the “Willie Horton and O.J. Simpson were exploited to sustain old negative images in the 1980’s and ‘90s.” Next, Asim discussed the positive contributions to society that individuals such as: “Condoleeza Rice, Colin Powell, and Barack Obama” have made (226).

African Americans are portrayed in an negative perspective throughout a wide variety of media formats, including news, music, internet, and other electronic sources (227). In particular, there is the obsessive need by the news media to publish the “police blotter,” which is the announcement of the day’s violent crimes.

Obama, Winfrey, and others have learned to counter this image through skillful manipulation of “the new mass media…to promote the image of nonviolent, spiritually inclined seekers of justice…”(226).

Asim believes that while “ African Americans who do their utmost to uphold the finest traditions of our past,” there is an overwhelming appetite for violence amongst African Americans “that white supremacy feeds on…” (227).

Devonte P. said...

Asim stating "the new mass media, while helping to perpetuate damaging images of African Americans, have often been used to counter the most virulent stereotypes" means that for all the negative things that african americans come across in the media, there are also positive things that others encounter. He backs up his argument with giving examples of O.J Simpson and Willie Horton and the bad images the media gave them in the 80's and 90's, while on the other hand Oprah and Jesse Jackson were the total opposite.
The areas where i see that african americans are portrayed in a negative perspective is in the sports media. Kobe Bryant, Tiger Woods, Brandon Marshall, and Terrell Owens are all african american athletes but at one time in their career they were put in this negative category because of what they did outside their job. Obama, Winfrey and others encounter this image because they have been accepted by today's society as a whole rather then part of it. Not everyone watches sports so they wouldnt be aware of certain athletes, but they would know the current president and the most popular female african american on this planet.

Asims viewpoint on this is that no matter how successful african americans are in society, the media will still negatively portray them.

Anna D. to Ms. Wanzo said...

I agree with Asim in that African Americans are portrayed negatively in new media, but it's not just African Americans. There is negativity towards all races and the media, movies, etc. portray individuals to be a certain way and this is indented into the publics psyche, which creates stereotypes and racism.

Vernon Stewart said...

I think that Asim suggest the the new mass media is set out to portray the worst parts of African Americans. For example, when you look at figures such as Michael Vick and T.I.. Michael Vick was fighting dogs underground, but you also have people that are murdering people and other such things getting off easier in most cases. I think that because their African American with money these people are waiting for them to make mistakes. They expect African American to fail, these are the things that the media look at with african americans. It is sad to say that they are portrayed in that light due to the mass media. I feel that no matter what happens in this world african americans are to be portrayed in a negative regardless of their success in life.

Racquel Kirkeby said...

Racquel to Vernon:

I liked your observation,in which, others are waiting for affluent and otherwise successful African Americans to fail or otherwise revert back into stereotypical, cliched behavior pattern. Please correct me if I am wrong, I assume the "others" you are referring to are "the new mass media" and/or "white supremacy"(226,227)? Anyway, I enjoyed your post!

Anna to Devonte said...

I agree with you that African America athletes are exposed negatively through sports media; however, it's not just sports media, it's through television (endorsements, talk shows, etc.), magazines as these are the BEST athletes in the world. I think at that these athletes have been accepted by the whole world at one point too, until they goofed up in their personal lives. If Obama and Oprah committed adultry, the world would change their viewpoint. Would you agree?

Unknown said...

Asim's quote means that even though media is portraying african americans as negative figures, it is also covering achievements and success of famous african american figures who are highly educated and influential.

He supports his idea by mentioning about exploitation of O.J Simpson followed by examples of Oprah Winfrey.

African americans are being painted as negative figures by most main stream mass media whether it's reality tv shows or movies or music videos etc.

Influential and respected figures like Oprah Winfrey and Obama are counters this image by being extemely successful and inspiring. They have achieved a lot and will definitely do and achieve more in the future.

Asim's viewpoint is that the mass media will kepp on painting african americans negatively and feed on the violence no matter how great Oprah Winfrey or Obama perform.

Unknown said...

Solongo to Vernon:

I agree with you on main stream mass media expect african american to fail so that they can feed off of the violence and the downfall. They try to magnify the negative sides and befog the positive ones.

Werdah Kaiser said...

Jabari Asim means a lot by his quote. He is likening the negative exposure of African Americans in the media to the positive light that has been shed on African Americans in everyday media, despite that unwanted exposure. By showing Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey, they are showing a strong black man and an equally strong black woman.
I think the most critical place that African Americans are shown negatively is in their own music videos. The videos are laced with drugs, sex, women, and illegal actions. This may be done to keep record sales up, but the problem starts at home. We can also look at the Katrina catastrophe. In the news, when a black family was looking for food, it was called looting, while a white family "was looking for ways to survive".
Key figures in the black community help persuade the negative views away. They keep their inherent black culture, but also show that they function in every day life as well. Oprah is proud to be African American, but she's also a woman, a friend, a businesswoman etc.
Asim's viewpoint is simple. The way African Americans are portrayed feeds the white supremacist idea and helps fuel it. He attacks the idea of a "gangster" as rubbish and calls for black leadership in things other than sports and the entertainment industry.

Werdah Kaiser to Solongo said...

It's a sad reality that no matter what we prove to the world as individuals, we are always lumped into a group. I agree with your comment.

Jane M. said...

Jabari Asim meant that despite the success of African Americans some people are still in denial and the media will always try to look for any downfall.The media will always capitalize on where they make mistakes.From the quote of Arthur Ashe, she said,"We African Americans are percived as acceptable in a token amount,toxic beyond it"(p.225).

African Americans are potrayed in a negative perspective in the movies,television,in music and sports.

Obama, Winfrey and others counter this images by their braveness, they have maitained their diginity and courage in the face of violence and madness."Winfrey parlayed her talk show popularity into profitable forays in movie and theater productions and magazine publishing, resulting in her being nicknamed "the queen of all media"(p.226).Obama's own turn in the spotlight at the 2004 democratic convention promoted a new image of wise, committed black leadership capable of organizing and speaking on behalf of all Americans"(p.226).

Asim's viewpoint on this is that stereotype is alive and well and "The forces of uplift and excellence continue their steady tread,but beneath the shadow of a commoditized "gangsta" culture that both titillates mainsteam audiences and keeps alive the very images of black depravity that white supremacy feeds on..."(p.227).

Jane M. to Racquel K. said...

Hi Racquel,
I liked the way you tackled the questions with supporting details and concrete answers.Yes, I do agree with you that mass media endures both negative and positive roles within its potrayal of African American in a society.

Meuy S. said...

The quote by Jabari Asim suggests that although the media portrays negative and dissenting images of African Americans, there are also positive outcomes from the successful leaders of the African community. Asim states that while some like willie Horton and O.J. Simpson were bad publicity and provided "old negative images"(226) others such as "Oprah Winfrey and Jesse Jackson were just two prominent blacks who made masterful use of television exposure"(226).
The media, in particular television is an area that provides negative images of African Americans. On television African Americans are portrayed as the villain and are surrounded by violence and gangs which discredits them.
Obama and Winfrey are able to counter this negative image in that they are both successful and wise prominent leaders of today. Winfrey is an influencial women and holds the title "the queen of all media"(226) while obama "promoted a new image of wise, committed black leadership capable of organizing and speaking on behalf of all Americans"(226).
Asim's viewpoint is that the media today still portrays negative images of African Americans regardless of the successes and achievements that have rised during the years.

Meuy S. said...

To Werdah,

I agree with you that the most negativity towards African Americans come from music videos. Like you said, these music videos portray things that are not necessarily suitable for young children such as the language that is spoken or the provocative women dresses who have on little clothing.

Ricky Tran said...

In his quote, Asim means that while the new mass media has helped strengthen the stereotypes of African Americans to a greater extent, it also has the ability to help counter stereotypes. An example that he uses is Barack Obama; in American history, black people were seen as slaves, people who only follow the orders of others. Barack Obama shows that African Americans are not just followers and have the ability to lead not just a group of people, but a nation as well. He also shows that African Americans are not all unintelligent as well.

An area where African Americans are protrayed in a negative perspective is the television. There are always news reports that talk about African Americans and talk about the crimes and gang violence that they commit, showing African Americans as thugs and gang members. Figures such as Obama and Oprah counter this image by showing that not all African Americans work their lives around the streets and get into trouble with the law.

Ricky Tran to Vernon Stewart said...

Hey Vernon, I agree with what you said about the media being set on portraying the worse side of African Americans. I also like how you used Michael Vick in your example. It's true how there are more important matters that dog-fighting, yet the media decides to show the dog-fighting issue rather than showing all of the issues on crimes and homocides.

shadow liang said...

In Jabari Asim’ essay, “The N Word”, he suggests that "the new mass media, while helping to perpetuate damaging images of African Americans, have often been used to counter the most virulent stereotypes" (226). That is, Asim means that, on one side, the new mass media tend to portray stereotyped images of African American; on the other side, sometimes they have been used to promote the positive images of African American to the public. For instance, in Asim’s essay, he mentions that “Willie Horton and O.J. Simpson were exploited to sustain the old negative images..." (p. 226) while “Oprah Winfrey and Jesse Jackson were just two of the prominent blacks who made masterful use of television exposure.” (p. 226) They are proved to be the great examples for Asim to counter the nasty stereotyped images of African American.

Usually African American are being figured negatively by most mass media, such as some individual “talk show, reality TV shows, music videos or movies, and even friends or co-workers living around us. Most negative images of African Americans are drawn from personal “bad experience” or religion once people become the sufferers or injured party in unexpected accident caused by just a little part of African Americans. However, Winfrey, “the queen of all media”, and President Obama counter this negative images by showing the public that not all African Americans are trouble-makers and do harm to the society, they also have received and will get more successes and achievements in the future in different professional fields.

Pei Liang

shadow liang to solongo said...

Hi Solongo,
I agree with your point that "African Americans are being painted as negative figures by most main stream mass media". In some media, like individual "talk show", the emcees will more or less be influenced by their personal assumptions or religions, following what they have expected to give to the public. Unfortunately, most of this kind of speech are subjective, which can also easily figure the negative images of African Americans and influence the viewpoints of the public.

Pei Liang

Johnny Hoang said...

Asim means that the media are always looking at the negatives of African Americans, even though there are plenty of positives that are acknowledged. He supports this idea by giving examples of the success of Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan and the negatives of Willie Horton and O.J. Simpson. An area I can think of where African Americans are portrayed negatively is the television and movies. A lot of shows and movies always have criminals and drug dealers, who are usually played by African Americans. Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey counter this image by becoming leaders and intelligent individuals. Asim's viewpoint on this is that no matter how much success African Americans achieve, the media will always have something to put them down.

Johnny Hoang to Devonte P. said...

Hey Devonte, I have to agree with how the sports media portrays African Americans negatively. I know the athletes that you mentioned, and it is true that the media are exaggerating about the attitudes of those guys. They will never leave Kobe Bryant alone about his past accusations, even though he is playing so good and even won a championship last year. The media will always call Terrell Owens "childish", but the truth is he is one of the best wide receivers. The media sometimes overlooks these athletes accomplishments and only look at the negatives.

Phillip said...

Asim is showing that the African Americans in today’s media are setting a positive outlook towards Africans Americans, breaking the stereotype. They are influencing others in society and opening doors of other minorities to succeed. Although mass media tries to counter this perspective, there are successful role models who elude the stereotypes. Jordan and Oprah are examples of successful African Americans who have become icons through their names, placing it on products and other items. An area where African Americans are portrayed negatively is in rap. They send a negative connotation with their activities within the music videos and lyrics, objectify women, showing greed, and violence. Obama and Oprah counter this image with their success and power they have in society, being pioneers. They are paving the way for others to see that race isn’t a factor that stops you from pursuing in life. Asim’s viewpoint is that the negative stereotypes will always be there even though there individuals who don’t fit.

Phillip to Meuy S. said...

I agree with you that the media does portray Africans Americans negatively. They are always stereotypical with their actions, being either like you said "villains" or an something the revolves around crime. People then believe that it's true since that's what the media shows them, perceiving that all Africans Americans are exactly alike. Society still seems to be racist, using hidden assumptions of what we they is automatically true.

Devonte Pitre said...

Devonte To Anna:
I do agree with that statement, it just seems to me that even though these athletes are accepted throughout the whole world they still have a chip on their shoulder. For example olympic swimmer michael phelps got caught smoking mary jane, and his apology was accepted by most viewers. But micheal vicks dog fighting incident still has angry viewers

AlishaRanaeduhh said...

Jabari Asim's suggestion "the new mass media, while helping to perpetuate damaging images of African Americans, have often been used to counter the most virulent stereotypes" means that the mass media has portrayed African Americans negatively but the positive will outshine it all.

African American Have accomplished many positive and significant things in our culture. For example, Oprah Winfrey is of the most "Prominent blacks"(226) in the African American Community as the "master use of television". She has become " the queen of all media"(226). She proves to counter the ugly and nasty stereotypes because she is a extremely prominent indivual in society. She is one of the most successful black woman in the business and a motivation woman not only to black woman but everyone.

African Americans are protrayed negatively through all forms of media. It's not only through media but people also the rascist aspects of people. All our leaders such as obama,oprah, counter the images in a inspirational way. They give hope to the upcoming generation to strive and dream to far beyond what the media can say. They are driven and educated people who inspire me become a better person. I love proving anyone wrong. African Americans influence the 21st century more than the "white" people would like to give us credit for. Many people can say what they like but us, as a African American im proud to be who i am.

AlishaRanaeduhh said...

To phillip From Alisha:
I agree your right that African Americans are making positive infleunces in the the media and breaking through the stereotypes. Opening doors so all minorties have a chance is a good way to look at things.

Brains behind beautiful Breone (B3) said...

what i think Asim means when he makes the statement,"the new mass media,while helping to perpetuate damaging images of African American, have often been used to counter the most virulent stereotypes" is that although the majority of the new mass media is outlined to continuously portray African Americans in the most derogatory light, that it is refreshing to know that there is equal coverage of the prestigious African Americans that can serve as the spokesperson for the African American community. From Jesse James and the political journey he took to pave the way for others to envision politics as healthy, worthwhile cause to pursue, and Oprah with her masterful use of mass media,as Asim highlights she was labeled the 'queen of media" (226)there could never be a balance in the images of African Americans in the media, but Asim reminds me that there is still hope.

areas where i think African Americans are portrayed in a negative perspective are in reality television. its goal is to project everyday life unscripted but the camera crew don't miss a beat of recording them as being, disrespectful, loud,and violent. how others like Obama, Winfrey, and others counter this image, is by remaining the productive, creative, efficient, and maintaining a sense of calmness in the face of adversity.

Fan Wu said...

Asim suggests that "the new mass media, while helping to perpetuate damaging images of African Americans, have often been used to counter the most virulent stereotypes" (226). By saying this, he means that the new media not only help to maintain the negative images of African Americans; to some extent, they also have done something to counter the damaging images.
He provides some examples to support his point. For example, in the 1980s and ‘90s, Willie Horton and O.J.Simpson “were exploited to sustain the old negative images.” However, Winfrey, Jesse Jackson and our president, Obama, gave public quite positive image in the media.
I think an area that African Americans are often portrayed in a negative perspective is the news. A lot of news link crime or violence to African Americans. It gave people the perspective that African Americans are violent. Obama, Winfrey, and others counter this image by showing public that they are smart, educated, and successful. His viewpoint is a critic who thinks that African Americans are portrayed in negative images by mass media.

San Ming said...

Asim is implying that the media is breaking the negative stereotypes that were given to African Americans by giving them a positive outlook. He supports his idea by giving examples of several positive African American figures such as Obama and Oprah. Having our nation leader be African American gives the image that African Americans can be leaders of America. By being our nations' leader breaks the stereotype that African American can only play athletics or the thuggish outlook stereotype that were given to them. The same can be said for Oprah because of her talk show which she is given positive exposure compared to showing negative exposure about the crimes that African Americans have committed.

Some areas that African Americans are portrayed with negative images are the poor neighborhoods with safety issues. Usually they are portrayed as the ones that are causing all the problems such as killing, stealing, and fighting. For so long in American history, African Americans are given negative images even back to our founding fathers. As a result, when bad things like this happen people naturally assume that African American has a part in it. Therefore, Asim implies that for so long in history that African Americans are given the negative stereotype that no matter how much good they do there will be a negative outlook on them.

San Ming to Fan Wu said...

Hello Fan Wu,

I agree with you that a lot of negative images that are given to African Americans is through the media with news. Usually newscaster broadcast crimes that links to them and not the good stuff that they do for their communities. As a result, we only think about the negative aspects of them which makes people generalize the whole group as being bad people.

Brains behind beautiful Breone (B3) said...

@ Vernon;

I like the comment that you made when u said that no matter what way African Americans will always looked at in a negative light. i also like the examples that you used with Micheal Vick and T.I i see magazines on a daily basis and they have slandered the best of them from Oprah to Obama, if i didn't know any better it seems like they are waiting until African Americans reach a certain level of popularity then hit them with all kind of outrageous slanderous allegations with destroying their reputation and brandishing them from being the positive voice we have in media getting our issues out.

Thomas Zhu said...

The quote from Asim indicates that even though African Americans have been negatively portrayed by the innovative mass media, astonishingly successful experiences have still occurred on particular individuals. Asim extends his viewpoint by referring to several celebrities that are associated with negative identities from the perspective of the public media, such as Willie Horton and O.J. Simpson. He accentuates them as individuals that “were exploited to sustain the old negative images.” (226) However, simultaneously, celebrities – such as Oprah Winfrey and Jesse Jackson – overthrows the harmful portrayal of African Americans by their significantly beneficial social impacts, which Asim describes this as “to counter the most virulent stereotypes.” (226) Indeed, Oprah Winfrey has been socially recognized as one of the most successful businesswomen in the media industry; Jesse Jackson and President Obama have been also extraordinarily honored with their significant political efforts.

Asim believes that despite how much sacrifices African Americans will make, the overwhelming intention will continue with ultimate objective as to portray them with negative identities throughout virulent stereotypes. The root of such intention, according to the Asim’s viewpoint, is described to the something that “white supremacy feeds on.” (227)

Thomas Zhu to Ricky Tran said...

I agree with you that televisions have already become a major source for individuals to expand their subjective judgments on social matters. As what you said, there are indeed news reports that associate ongoing street crimes and particular African Americans, which the media frequently gives them titles such as gangsters and thugs. Nevertheless, celebrities – including Oprah Winfrey, Jesse Jackson, President Obama, and among others – are known as being successful, which implies that not all African Americans are as negative as what the mass media portrays them.

Chhienda M. said...

Asim states, “The new mass media, while helping to perpetuate damaging images of African Americans, have often been used to counter the most virulent stereotypes”(p.226). Essentially, what Asim is drawing upon is how the popular influences of mass media on African American can actually help the image of African Americans. Simultaneously, the largely influences of mass media can hurt the image of African American as well. Moreover, Asim referred to the infamous cases such as the O.J. and Willie’s cases, in both situations the media has perpetrate the image of black America negatively. In addition, Asim drew upon the civil rights era using the struggle of prominent African Americans during the civil rights movement to contrast it with the uprising fame of current black celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, Tiger Woods, and Michael Jordan.

Chhienda M. to Werdah said...

Hello Werdah,

I agree with you comment on how people see African Americans negatively through watching music videos or by listening to rap musics. As what you said,African American music videos are shown with drugs, sex, and women being exotic it gives people a negative outlook on what is being shown in those music videos.People are drawn by these negative influence and view it in their own perspectives.

Ke Yu said...

In the essay, "The N Word" by Jabari Asim, suggests that "the new mass media, while helping to perpetuate damaging images of African Americans, have often been used to counter the most virulent stereotypes, Asim suggested that blacks at that time are seldomly being sucessful because the blacks have been negatively portrayed in this society. for example, Horton and O,J Simpson were to sustain the old images in the 1980s and 90s (P226); however, Obama promoted a new image of wise and says that blacks can organized ajd speaks on the behalf of Americans. also Winfrey parlayed her talk show into profitable ways.
Asim points out that even though blacks has been utmost uphold the finest tradiitions of our past, the white supremacy still keeps on

Sin Yee, Dy said...

In the quote, Jabari Asim means that even though the mass media continuously depicts negatively toward African Americans; however, some successful examples could be seen from some African Americans with great achievement, masterful and influential in different aspects in the society. Asim mentioned the examples of some celebrities such as Willie Horton and O.J. Simpson who sustained a negative image in the past. African Americans are usually portrayed negatively in the movies, television, web sites, and music videos and so on. The prominent images of Winfrey Oprah and Barack Obama counter the negative images by showing their talented leadership skills and capability of making significant contributions to all Americans. Asim’s viewpoint is despite how success the African American performs, the mass media would still obscure them.

Rebecca^0^ said...

In the essay, "The N Word" by Jabari Asim, it pointed out that the media usually like to show the negative image of the African America. However, there are still lots of examples show that the positive images of the African America. Like the Obama , the president of the United States. He is good and knowledge African America. The author tried to show that African American is not bad and not negative. There are some positive people in the African American but not showing up in the media. In this essay, it’s not hard for us to find that no matter African American people are good or not, the media are still keeping to show how negative they are. For most people, they still wear color glasses to look about them.

Sin Yee, Dy to Fan Wu said...

Hi Fan Wu, I strongly agree with your point of view. Since a lot of news reporting crimes related to African Americans, so it’s continuously sending the negatively messages and images to the public that African Americans are violent and dangerous to approach.

Rebecca^0^ to Sin Yee, Dy said...

I agree with you, in fact, as the successful examples of the African America broken up, the media sill like to show the negatives of the African America. I think it because even the positive of the African American is increasing, there are still so many negative African America doing the bad thing. It makes most people feel angry or not happy about it. Moreover, in my opinions, people should do before think because they are not stand for themselves, is for the whole group of people.

Ke Yu To shadow liang said...

I do agree with your opinion because Africa Americans are thought to be having negative influencs by most mass media; therefore, people have assume that all blacks are the same. however, blacks can be leaders organizing and speaking in the society.

JIAQI YE said...

In the essay, "The N Word" by Jabari Asim, suggests that "the new mass media, while helping to perpetuate damaging images of African Americans, have often been used to counter the most virulent stereotypes" (226). This points out that the negative portrayed of African Americans are presented through the new media like cable television, cell phone, website and etc. Asim stands up for the African American and use the successful person such as Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey to prove the positive image of African American.
African American are portrayed in a negative perspective mostly in the news. Most criminal that reported on TV are toward to the African American. This makes the image of African American become rude and barbaric. Asim's viewpoint on this issue is the negative stereotypes of African American is still exist and can not be correct in a short time, no matter how successful some African American are.

Jiaqi Ye said...

Hi San Ming,
I agree with your point that African Americans are given the negative stereotype in a long history. This stereotype has a bigger impact than the positive image of the African American. And it takes a long time to change the impression of black people since the new media nowadays exposing their negative side.

Charline Bissey said...

In this essay, Jabari Asim suggestion is that "the new mass media not only showing damages images about African American, also used to counter most virulent stereotypes(226), saying that beside the bad publicity the new media shows about African American there are ssome positive ones and outstanding accomplishments from African Amedrican.

Asim's recognized the false pretense and the insincerity of the mass media that cultivate and capture negative image about African American.

He said that mass media shows both negative and positive roles ofd African American. He discussed the positive roles that Condoleeza Rice, Colin Powell and Barack Obama have made(p.226).
African American Are portrayed negatively by many industries such as movies, musics, news etc...

Asim's acknowledge the lack of consideration by the mass meddia to African American,and said regardless of their achievement in life the negativity will still follow.

Charline to Devonte said...

Hi Devonte

I share your take on what the mass media does to African American no matter your accomplishment they will still try to distroye you.

Athletes, movies stars, musicians and many others are the most exposed where media often looked for a small window so that they can publicite everything they can, and they even go as far as to pay people just because they want some dirt on you.

Jing Cai said...

In the essay, "the new mass media, while helping to perpetuate damaging images of African Americans, have often been used to counter the most virulent stereotypes" (226). Jabari Asim means that on the one hand, mass media provides negative information to damage the images of African American. Like he states that "While While Horton and O. J. Simpson were exploited to sustain the old negative images in the 1980s and '90s" (226). On the other hand, mass media also provides positive information against the bad images of African Americans. For example, Asim says about the achievement and success of Condoleezza, Colin Powell, and Barak Obama.
I think the areas that African Americans are portrayed in a negative perspectives are in TV shows, music videos, and also movies. African Americans are usually portrayed as people using drugs and doing other criminal and illegal things.
Barak Obama and Winfrey are using their inspiring and successful accomplishments to counter those negative images of African Americans.
Asim's viewpoint is that African Americans are still portrayed negative images by mass media even though they also achieve accomplishments and success.

Rui Mai to Fan Wu said...

I do agree with your point that African Americans gave people the negative image that they are violent. However, our society is developing in the positives way. More and more people getting a higher education and successful in their live. And African Americans is changing people’s image, being able to become a positives side and a positives role in our community and mass media.

Rui Mai said...

Asim’s meaning of this quote is even though African Americans used to play a negative side on the mass media or give people the violent image, it distinctly shows up the positive side of African American do for our society. They have done something important and meaningful for our community, such as Winfrey, Jesse Jackson and president Obama. Those great African Americans Asim refers to support his viewpoint, because they give most people the positive image. They have successful live and done something significant for people.
In my opinion, African Americans are portrayed in a negative perspective most in movies. African Americans are usual portrayed as gangs in the movies, especially in the past time. They always play negative sides. However, as time went on, our history and minds are developing, African Americans are also portrayed in a positive side as hero in our movies because they have done significant to the society, not only harmful. That is also Asim’s viewpoint of this essay

Jing Cai said...

Hello Solongo,
I like your way to tell about how Obama and Winfrey counter the negative images of African Americans. Also, I agree with you that viewpoint of Asim. I think that he's viewpoint is that African Americans are still portrayed negatively too.

Fan to Jiaqi said...

I agree with you that "African American are give the negative stereotype in a long history." From my understanding, today, most people realize the error of discrimination. Therefore, the conscious discrimination is not our social problems. However, due to the negative stereotypes that have influenced people for long time, the unconscious prejudice is the real problems.

Daniel M said...

What I took from this article was that.Even though African-Americans are portrayed negatively in the media, there are alot of positive images of African Americans as well. For Example Michael Jordan and till recently Tiger Woods kept spotless public images of themselves. They were not associated with any of the negative things from the African-American community. They never take an opinion on anything political and just kind of stay in the backround and make sure nothing negative about them comes up. Just recently I can think of the whole Tiger Woods dillemna that has dominated news stories for the last year or so. The man was unfaithfull to his wife with many different women, which is looked down upon in our society even though it is very common. Because of this the media completely crucified him and basically made him seem like a crazy black guy. Even though he had kept his image spotless all it took was one mistake and he was back to being a violent and unfaithfull black man. Obama and winfrey counter this image by being polite and very decent people. They are very intelligent and show how African-Americans can be positive influences on their community.

Martin Lara said...

The quote stated by Jabari Asim means African Americans are displayed more through the media for there negative stereotypes, rather than the positive things they do. He supports his ideas by saying how there are great African American role models which they do positive things for the community, and have made something of their life. Then he says how there is the stereotypes which entertainers play in the media, from gangster rappers or playing a role as someone who commits crime. He says that they should rather be displayed the same as they were during the civils rights era, as nonviolent, and wanting to develop an image which they can be accepted as peaceful.

The way African Americans are portrayed in a negative perspective is through rapping and even by the news. Majority of rappers display the life of which they sold drugs, committed crimes, do drugs and alcohol, and tales of sex. This is negative because it makes it seems as if all African Americans are interested in only these areas. The daily news shows how majority of violence may come from african americans, with affiliations of homicides, or robbery. Compared to Obama, and Winfrey, they rather make a change for better than worse for American society. Asims viewpoint is that African Americans should be acknowledged more for there positive areas than negative on the media.

Martin to Daniel said...

To Daniel M,
I am going to agree with you that a person like Tiger Woods who had no dilemma displayed on him because he wanted keep his image as a clean person. Then it was ruined as soon as he was caught cheating on his wife, but the media would not let the story go and made sure everyone would know what happened to ruin his image that he was keeping. Its should be unacceptable how they do such things...

Yilin Deng said...

In the essay, Jabari Asim says that "the new mass media, while helping to perpetuate damaging images of African Americans, have often been used to counter the most virulent stereotypes" and it means that Africa Americans are given negative characteristic in public media. In the following paragraphs, he states that "Willie Horton and O.J. Simpson were exploited to sustain the old negative images..." and this can support his idea.
Africa Americans are portrayed negatively in not only criminal but also in studying. Media often put emphasize on high crime rate of Africa Americans.
However, president Obama and other black people have postive images because they are all successful. And in the 4th paragraph, author writes detaily how successful they are.

Yilin Deng to Jiaqi Ye said...

Hi Jiaqi,
I agree with your response that author stands up for Africa Americans using successful people. As we can see from TV and other media, Africa Americans are now using their actions to show people that they cannot be only dressed negatively.

LEQi Li said...

In this essay, "The N Word" by Jabari Asim, suggests that "the new mass media, while helping to perpetuate damaging images of African Americans, have often been used to counter the most virulent stereotypes" (226). Jabari Asim means that the most of media are portrayed the african American in the negative way before ,but not the African American are try to defuse the stereotypes by their successful achievement in U.S.The area i can thinks is the whole areas which means black people 's negative perspective are in people 's mind.There are many of African American counter this image, for example the Obama,Micheal Jordan, tiger,Or Micheal Jackson.They are all succfully in different area.They bulit up their good image by working hard through their career.
Asim's viewpoint is huaman are only pay attention to the negative perspective of African Ameican in the media, they ignore their achievement to society.

LEQI LI said...

To Solongo.

Hi Solongo, I agree with that you said mass media will keep on painting african americans negatively and feed on the.............It's true that most of us only see the negative thing of African Ameirican in the media and we ignre how great they did to the society

Qiwei Yang said...

He means that African American people were insulted by media because media always put some negative images on African American people. He support this idea by the story of O.J Simpson and Willie Horton in the 80's and 90's. The negative images on them implied that all African American people have this negative characters.
In computer games and TV episodes, bank robbers are often assigned to African American players.
When obama set up an perfect example that African American people can be excellence, it help African American people get the confidence to go ahead, to upgrade.