Sunday, January 31, 2010

Spanish Harlem at Night


Hello Class:

First read Ernesto Quiononez's "Spanish Harlem at Night," an excerpt located on  page 45.   After reading the excerpt, answer the following questions:

How do the detail's in Quiononez's excerpt, capture your sensory organs (touch, see, smell, taste, hear)?    Which of your senses are you able to you use in this brief excerpt?    What role does detailed information play in critical thinking through writing, reading and observation?

This post should be answered before class on Thursday.

Don't forget to answer your peers.

Ms. Wanzo

Observation, It's in the Mind's Eye.

Hello Class:

It is more convenient to assume that reality is similar to our preconceived ideas than to freshly observe what we have before our eyes. Robert Fritz

Click the title and read the short essay written by Stanley Scudder, "Take this Fish and Look at It."  It's also found on page 17 in your text.

What does this the Fritz quote mean? How does Stanley Scudder discover the truth in this quote?  Why does the professor encourage the student to continue to examine the fish?  What was so unacceptable about his first examination?  How does this connect to critical thinking?

This post should be answered by Tuesday.  Don't forget to respond to one of your peers.