Sunday, March 21, 2010

Film Gazer

Hello Class,

In this post, you will respond to Bill Swanson's essay, "How Films Feed the Mind,"   the author suggests that "comfort zone movies are essentially children's movies in which human beings behave like cartoon characters," (204).  Do you agree with this evaluation?  Why or Why not?  Take a look at the films that Swanson has listed or think of more recent films that may or may not support your opinion.   

In the second part of the post, what values does Swanson say are shown to be the greatest sources of human fulfillment?  Do you agree or disagree with his opinion?  Are his values reflective of American culture?  Would you add or subtract values from his list?  How do you evaluate films?

Please don't forget to respond to your peers.

Million Dollar Brutality

All this week, we've been considering Chapter 7:  "Evaluations: What's Judged?"

This blog is based on what we've read and covered so far in this chapter.  First, read "Million Dollar Brutality," located in Chapter 7.

Then answer the questions as found on page 194:

1). What evaluations does the author offer in her title and subtitle?
2.) What three facts does she offer to support her evaluation of boxing as a brutal and violent sport?
3). What contradiction evaluations does she describe in the last two paragraphs this review?

4). What other kinds of professions provide expert evaluations or "trained, skilled" evaluations?  Provide an example.

Lastly, do not forget to respond to one of your peers.